The graphic novel “Through the Woods” at first glance looks interesting. It was the next book I got after DragonRage and Shadow Binders during my initial phase of supporting crowdfunded entertainment.
The crowdfunding campaign of Through the Woods had an “InDemand” status at the time I first checked it out, and fulfillment was happening meaning backers were receiving their rewards. For me as someone new to backing crowdfunding entertainment and considering my limited budget, I made the choice to start with campaigns that already have the final product ready to get the initial feeling of how the shipping process works.
Specifically, with Indiegogo, there are two main phases that projects usually go through to my understanding: the “Funding” phase and the “InDemand” phase. The funding phase is the most important one for creators. At this stage, they only have a concept or prototype of the final product. Going into production and fulfilling usually happens during the “InDemand” phase but I’ve also seen creators choose to close their campaign after it’s fully funded. This means that they won’t be having an “InDemand” status for people to back later during the fulfillment stage.
The book was written by Frankie Tartamella, fully illustrated, and put together by Vinnie Tartamella. Vinnie Tartamella is a self-taught artist that worked for several significant companies such as McFarlane Toys as a lead designer, Image Comics as a Cover artist, and many more.
Like previous projects, I didn’t know about these creators since I wasn’t much into the American comic book world. It’s not difficult to get interested in the project once you see some of Vinnie’s previous work online, and explore his content on his Youtube channel.
Through the Woods by the Tartamella brothers, not to be confused with the other comic book of the same title by Emily Carrol, looks like a teen/young adult fantasy/mystery graphic novel. The book is a hardcover 9 by 12-inch sized collector’s edition consisting of 98 pages, and is printed on high-quality paper. The book covers the story previously told in 3 issues in comic book format 6.7 by 10.2 inches. The book also contains a cover gallery and a layout gallery at the end.
From the crowdfunding campaign, I choose the tier that just offered the signed book. One thing with crowdfunding is that you can choose how to support the projects you are interested in based on the budget that you have. Many campaigns that I have seen so far offer multiple choices for those from.
The art looks amazing! The colors look great. I like the different shades of blue. Great work done on the shadows; it gives it a spooky effect to the panels that works very well.
The story has horror, mystery, supernatural and paranormal elements. It also covers the concept of the universal fight between good vs evil. In this case, some may call it a fight about revenge but to me, it’s a fight about seeking divine justice.
The story follows investigative reporter Laura Langley as she discovers the tragic history of her newly inherited estate in North Hudson, New York. It all started 100 years ago when the territory was a logger’s camp in the early 1900s. Laura’s investigation finds her learning of her family’s past and accidentally reawakens a restless spirit.
At the beginning of the story, we see a young lady in her car en route to an inherited estate in the woods. Over the radio, we hear concerning news of elderly people dying of a mysterious illness. We learn that she inherited a 100-year-old house and cabin because no one else in her family wanted it. We also learn that the cabin was owned by a lumberjack many years ago and that it should never be taken down.
A lumberjack, a term used mostly in the United States, is a worker whose job is to cut down trees for wood. The term usually refers to loggers before the 1940s when trees were felled using hand tools and dragged by oxen to rivers in the United States. The job was difficult, dangerous, intermittent, low paying, and involved living in primitive conditions.
We are transported to the past, in the early 1900s, where we learn about the legendary Jack Lombardo and his companion Hatchet. Mainly we learn how he became a hero through courageous actions. Back in the present Laura finds an old locket and immediately puts it on. Suddenly there is a change in the atmosphere. Going back in the past we learn a little bit about the relationship between Jack and John Slatcher, the bad apple of the lumberjacks.
Back in the present Laura is entering the desolated cabin. Going back in the past, we learn the tragic story and fall from the grace of Jack. Something happens to Laura in the cabin that motivates her to learn the history of her ancestors and investigate the mysterious illness that is spreading in the region which leads her into dangerous situations. Want to know more? You will have to find out on your own.
My experience with the project was good. The book was almost immediately shipped, and I received it very quickly considering my shipping situation.
No problems with receiving the packages. Tracking information was provided by the project manager through Indiegogo. I wish others would do the same as standard practice. The book came in a Ziplock back, well packaged enough to survive the multiple handlings.
The quality of the printed book is very good and the story is engaging and entertaining. I imagine there is a difference in reading the 3 issues separately versus reading the complete story in this collected edition.
Overall, I enjoyed reading the book and I’m very happy with the book produced by great talent. As of date, the project is still “InDemand” on Indiegogo. Make sure to check it out!
Up next my eyes will be on “Bonds Vol.1: The Drive”
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