Ghost of the Badlands


Canyon Diablo, Arizona Territory, 1896—a town more ruthless than Tombstone, deadlier than Deadwood. As rival railroad companies battle for control and bandits kill without mercy, a mysterious masked rider emerges from the Sonoran Wasteland. Armed with a strange mechanical pistol, he delivers justice with Old Testament fury. Beware the Ghost of the Badlands!


The desert whispers of a lone gunslinger—a silent figure on a relentless mission of vengeance, wielding a mechanical weapon from a forgotten era, and purging the lawless with deadly precision. Rumors swirl of his faceless army, but no one knows if they truly exist or are mere ghost stories. Eventually, the people name this masked harbinger of death: the Ghost of the Badlands.

Ghost of the Badlands, created by Razörfist, is a comic that plunges readers into a post-apocalyptic, western-inspired world. It blends classic Western themes with dystopian sci-fi elements, offering a gripping mix of intense action, gritty drama, and dark humor.



Razörfist – Creator and writer of Ghost of the Badlands. Known on YouTube as “The Rageaholic,” Razörfist has penned two pulp novels, The Long Moonlight and Death Mask.

George Alexopoulos – The artist behind Ghost of the Badlands, George is an award-winning cartoonist with over a dozen indie comics to his name. He also creates satirical illustrations under the pseudonym GPrime85.

The book also has special guest illustrations by Dominus, Shanth Enjeti, and Joseph Arnold enhancing the book’s visual richness.



Inspired by storytelling traditions from both East and West, the team offers two distinct editions of this first volume. The softcover edition draws influence from manga, while the deluxe hardcover pays homage to the European Bande Dessinée style.

The limited-edition glossy hardcover with a printed spine features over 150 pages printed on quality paper, complete with color interiors and more than 50 pages of bonus content, including short stories about the Ghost, concept art, guest illustrations, the original script, pencils, and a map of Canyon Diablo.

Ghost of the Badlands



Set in Arizona Territory in May 1896, Ghost of the Badlands unfolds in Canyon Diablo, a town on the verge of ruin. Ravaged by fires and tragedies tied to the construction of a rail bridge, the town has become a den of vice, violence, and despair. Railroad companies fight landowners, gamblers, and prostitutes proliferate, and ruthless bandits terrorize the roadways.

But these brigands face an unexpected enemy—a force more dangerous than any they’ve ever encountered. A mysterious figure haunts the painted desert, delivering swift, deadly justice to those who prey on the innocent. Gunfight after gunfight. Coffin after coffin. The legend of this enigmatic avenger grows. The Ghost, a lone pistoleer wielding a bizarre mechanical weapon from a forgotten era, brings divine retribution to the lawless, baptizing the guilty in a storm of gunfire. Eventually, he becomes known to all as The Ghost of the Badlands.

Ghost of the Badlands



Set against the backdrop of a bleak and unforgiving wasteland, Ghost of the Badlands tells the story of a society in ruins, where the remnants of civilization cling to life in a lawless, frontier-like environment. The atmosphere is gritty, evocative of classic Westerns, but with a dystopian twist that adds a unique edge to the narrative.



The language includes terms that feel inspired by the Old West, which can sometimes be tricky to follow. In The Long Moonlight, I found the wordplay challenging. However, in Ghost of the Badlands, it wasn’t as difficult, making it a much more enjoyable read for me. The visuals made it even more pleasant.



The visuals are stunning. The gritty art style perfectly matches the intense tone of the story, making the rugged landscapes feel alive while delivering exciting, action-packed scenes that highlight the harshness of the world and the danger of the Ghost’s mission. The attention to detail is impressive—whether indoors or out in the wild, every background element is clear and thoughtfully crafted. I’m especially captivated by how the rain, fire, and clouds are illustrated; they stand out. Overall, it looks amazing.

Ghost of the Badlands



At the heart of the story is a lone warrior known only as ‘the Ghost of the Badlands.’ The Ghost catalyzes the tales within the story. A mysterious figure with a shadowy past, the Ghost roams the Badlands in search of justice. His journey is fueled by a deeply personal quest for vengeance and redemption. Along the way, he faces a series of formidable adversaries—corrupt warlords, marauding bands, and other ruthless enemies. We also learn about the people he encounters, discovering how their lives change after meeting him.



But who is the Ghost? Man, or myth? Flesh and blood, or something more? Is he a spectral wanderer from the Arizona desert, sent to deliver divine justice to the sinful town of Canyon Diablo? Or perhaps a survivor of unimaginable horrors, brought back from death by mysterious forces to wreak vengeance on the wicked?

You don’t learn much about him yet, the story is about the people he meets on his path and the personal hell they are living. One thing is clear: with each gunfight, each body that falls, the legend of the Ghost of the Badlands only grows.



Themes of justice, survival, second chances, and the constant struggle between order and chaos lie at the heart of the story’s emotional and philosophical core. This narrative feels particularly relevant in today’s world, where justice is often compromised by corruption, and those in power, driven by evil intentions, show little fear of the law. They thrive in chaos, using it as a tool to strip people of their liberties while amassing even greater control.

I’m especially drawn to the storyline where a man, once on a dark path, has a change of heart and saves an innocent life. That single, selfless act gives him a chance given by the ghost to alter his fate. Even more powerful is when he later comes face to face with the very person he saved, making for an emotionally charged moment. There’s something therapeutic about reading stories where the once-untouchable villains ultimately get the ending they deserve.

Ghost of the Badlands



Another brief yet powerful moment in the story is when a woman is kidnapped and thrown into a cave. As the cave’s history is revealed, you learn about the longstanding rivalry between the Navajo and Apache peoples who once inhabited the land. For those who explore history beyond the standard school curriculum, visit museums, or listen to oral histories, this kind of conflict isn’t surprising. So much of history is told from the perspective of the victors, often omitting key details or entire narratives, resulting in the loss of countless stories and languages over time.

As history is passed down and retold, it inevitably changes, becoming adapted to fit new perspectives, often losing the authenticity of the original events. To understand how this happens, you only need to take a group of 10 people and pass a message from person #1 to person #10, by the time it reaches the last person, the message will have changed. This was just one of the many thought-provoking stories within the larger narrative that invites you to reflect.



The Ghost of the Badlands reminds me of the Shadow and Judex, popular pulp heroes of their time. I like discovering and rediscovering stories of pulp heroes old and new, such as Zorro, Miss Fury Sensational Sundays, Doc Savage. I love to see new stories of independent artists paying homage to old pulp heroes and/or creating their own such as  Miss Fury: Joy Division, Wraith of God, Black Terror, and Judex.



On April 24, 2023, I pledged support to the Indiegogo campaign Ghost of the Badlands, opting for the perk that included the hardcover edition of the comic. Communication throughout the campaign was consistent, with tracking details provided through Indiegogo, ensuring transparency in the delivery process. The package arrived without any issues; the book itself was securely wrapped in plastic and well-protected.

Ghost of the Badlands



The creators made a commendable effort to keep backers informed by sending out monthly updates to maintain transparency regarding the project’s progress. However, sharing more about the development of the artwork might have been an interesting way to keep backers further engaged.

From the initial art shared during the campaign to the final product in the book, it’s clear that a lot of effort went into the process. Sharing more of that journey with the current backers and potential backers could have helped build a stronger connection to the project.

Graham Nolan, for example, excels at using his artwork as promotional material and sharing the project progress updates via email and on social media. Most of his posts are promotional images of his characters or the progress of his art, it shows work and dedication. There are many ways to engage backers the right way, and it’s important to choose what works best for the project.

Although there were some delays in meeting the deadlines, the extension was understandable for those following the project closely, as the creators remained focused on delivering a high-quality product rather than rushing the process. The key to finding acceptance and understanding is being transparent and communicating unexpected issues to the backers.



Ghost of the Badlands is a gripping tale of survival and seeking justice set in a brutal, lawless land. The Ghost’s journey is filled with intense battles, thrilling action, and adventures through the Old West.

The combination of well-crafted characters’ development and a vivid, dystopian world creates a narrative that captivates from start to finish. With its dark, engaging story and striking visual style, Ghost of the Badlands stands out as a must-read for fans of westerns and gritty, action-packed comics. Ghost of the Badlands with a different cover is now available for purchase on Amazon, Walmart, and Barnes & Noble.

For more interesting titles, check COMIC BOOKS under the “EYES ON” series I documented my experience with crowdfunding entertainment and shared my notes on the products I received.


My notes are all set. Let me know what you think.

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