In The Posse: Fugitives, deadly and horrific experiments are performed on the unwilling inmates of the privately-run Atlantic Prison. Devon Willis and Ulysses Sanchez are its latest victims.
Succeeding beyond all expectations, the resulting jailbreak releases the entire population of convicts. One now with the power of earth, the other the power of the air, they quickly return home as their eastern seaboard city, the Decapolis, falls under siege from the meta-human throng released with them. Facing their pasts including gang connections, former relationships, and the choices that put them in prison, Devon and Ulysses must put their differences aside to save their city and reclaim their own lives.
John Hervey, the same creator/writer who brought you: BLACK TIGER and MAGNA, is introducing readers to the newest addition of the Beyond Time Universe: The Posse. The story is penciled by Ron Adrian and Sheldon Goh, inked by Ernest Jocson, colored by Bambang Irawan, and lettered by Marco Della Verde. With Cover art by Valerio Giangiordano and edited by Priscilla Hervey.
The first installment of our super-powered, hard-hitting, and gritty new series The Posse: Fugitives Vol. 1 is a graphic novel of 76 pages printed in full color. The first volume tells the story in 3 chapters on 64 pages. 4 gallery pages and 3 ad pages The book has 3 chapter dividers and a printed spine. The book is published by Beyond Time, Inc. The individual issues (digital versions) can be bought on their website.
A full-scale jailbreak releases a deadly horde of meta-human convicts, and survivors of horrific experiments behind the walls of the privatized maximum-security facility, Atlantic Prison. The unwitting catalysts of the jailbreak are rival gang members Devon Willis and Ulysses Sanchez with the activating agent being the trauma-induced triggering of their meta-human abilities to, respectively, control earth and air.
Devon immediately looked for his contact to give him the location of the Dinos, human-dinosaur mutations. He finds them, fights them, and gets the information he needs. He is looking for a philanthropist probably responsible for the experiments and he finds him. But didn’t get the opportunity to do what he wants and needed to flee due to the high level of security.
The Dinos’ boss is curious to know about the person who beat up his gang. baleful meta-human throng. The pasts of both Devon and Ulysses come to haunt them as Ulysses’ old gang re-enlists him, while Devon’s reconnection with his high school sweetheart, Daniela, tears off the scabs of a past fraught with bad decisions. We learn how the prison break happened and that the prison is not a prison but a lab. We also get to see the first time Devon gets experimented on at the lab.
Daniela tells Devon that now that he has these powers he can change his life. He reminisces about the past. Remembering his friend Vaughn and Daniela during their teenage years. We see that they were doing criminal activities which directly affected Devon’s brother. Back in the present Devon continues his quest for revenge. Will he be able to fulfill it?
The concept of human and animal mutations is what got me interested in the project. The cover I chose reminded me somehow of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles characters Bebop and Rocksteady. The story is very interesting. In the beginning, you wonder who the Dinos are but you have an idea of what you would expect. But honestly, I didn’t expect to see them so early on in the story.
I like that the story is mostly centered on the present and goes back to the past when needed. I just wish it would indicate when we go to the past and when we are back in the present. The colors are the same for both timelines. Like reading a novel that usually gives a full description of the surroundings, there should be some indication on the panel of where we are in the story. Not a requirement but just my opinion.
This section will be short as the book was part of the MAGNA and the POSSE crowdfunding campaign. You can look for my experience with the campaign on EYES ON MAGNA: THE LAST PANTHEON. The cover chosen for the Posse was Cover #2 because it looks cool.
The Posse: Fugitives is an interesting sci-fi action-adventure story. The art and letters look cool, and the story is engaging. I’m curious about his revenge drive for Devon. I’m not sure what exactly it’s driven by. What happened that made him so adamant to look for vengeance? Maybe it will be revealed later in the upcoming chapters. Hopefully, we don’t have to wait long to read those.
The campaign is still open (InDemand) in case you’re interested to check it out on Indiegogo. Or you could check the individual issues in digital format at the online store of Beyond Time Comics.
Interested in more titles? Check more GRAPHIC NOVELS from the “EYES ON” series wherein I documented my experience with crowdfunding entertainment and shared my notes on the products I received.