With one view at mainstream critics, you’ll almost immediately see the difference between someone who knows the genre or has the knowledge to share versus someone who is just watching the content as an obligation. So, why rely on them?
The quality of entertainment produced by the West has declined, especially during the last 10 years. However, most mainstream critics will tell you that everything, especially popular IPs, is great. The decline has prompted global audiences to look for alternative entertainment and care less about what mainstream critics have to say.
Just to be on the same page let’s define who are the mainstream critics. Mainstream critics are those who receive free access to the product and the talent behind a project and gifts in exchange for a favorable review. Most are very recognizable as they work for a specific mainstream showbiz corporation. However, some work independently but coincidentally have a similar opinion as the corporate critics.
In this age of social media it has become easier to connect but when it comes to actors they still do it based on what is allowed. You will find a few filmmakers and actors who decide to talk directly to their fans, maybe they choose those who are the loudest or have a big following. But it’s not normal for a regular person to have continuous direct access to celebrities.
Today we expect less from traditional entertainment, including mainstream critics and the way they review films. If they continue this way like they used to do in the past they will become irrelevant because today any random person can perform proper research online to obtain at least the basic information about the film which includes details about the plot and how it was made.
When a critic knows about the genre and can give an objective review that gives you both the pros and the cons, it is appreciated more than someone who doesn’t like the genre and reviews the movie unfavorably just because he doesn’t like the genre.
Critics have a difficult job because they should know the different film genres to judge them. Sounds logical right? Even when they don’t, critics should research the topics and the people involved with the projects but most don’t and have no problem saying it. So what added value do they offer in addition to their personal opinion?
Let’s take the science fiction genre, for example, it is a popular and difficult genre to review because there are so many sub-genres and styles of filmmaking. Some critics have their Sci-Fi knowledge limited to Star Wars and Star Trek and don’t see anything beyond that. Or you have the group that has absolutely no clue about science fiction or doesn’t like the genre. It would be okay if we were talking about regular people who have the right to like whatever they want but we’re not.
As a mainstream critic, if you enjoy the movie that is a bonus but even if you didn’t you should be able to follow the story and give an objective view of the story. Mainstream critics should be able to give an honest judgment but many have their agenda. They should have rules that forbid them from accepting money, sponsorship, or access in exchange for their supportive opinion.
Therefore, it is better to make your judgment. Especially when there is no added value when the professionals criticizing the film don’t even make an effort to know who is in the film or even appreciate how the film was made. At this point, you are better off hearing the opinions of your peers. Even then you should still do your research based on what the general audience says not the mainstream magazines. It’s so easy to do with social media these days.
If it is a genre that you are unfamiliar with, seeing it with an open mind and low expectations, regardless of the premise or actors in the film, is very helpful. This approach helped me enjoy movies I didn’t expect to enjoy as much as I did. In the end, the power that mainstream critics had to define the success or failure of a film or series with their options has been lost.
One of the benefits we, the global audience, are enjoying today is the benefit of having online access to foreign entertainment through streaming platforms. Anyone with internet can review anything they want and all information is available online. It does take some work to find the correct information but it is worth it when you find something new. It may be an old foreign film that you never heard about or a new series that went under the radar.
Unfortunately, the pandemic shows that there is a large group of people who can’t think for themselves and like to be told what to do. Just the thought of taking care of your health by exercising, and taking vitamins and supplements was a weird thing to do.
Moreover, gyms were closed while fast-food restaurants remained open. Even though it is general knowledge how unhealthy fast food is. It is incomprehensible how it was promoted to be consumed during a time when the immune system should have been strengthened not weakened. It has been disappointing to see how ignorance was taken advantage of.
We are in an age where we can look for information ourselves and we used to learn a thing called critical thinking. Even though they had the time the look for information during the pandemic, many still relied on others to do the work for them and tell them what to do. Many governments and corporations took advantage of that and instilled fear in people and forced medication on everyone when it should have been taken on a case-by-case basis with medical monitoring if needed.
As time passes the truth is coming to light and it opened the eyes of many on how their rights were trampled on, in particular privacy rights regarding medical information. Most of us are individuals raised with a set of morals and principles. each person has their own set of life experiences that influence the decisions taken.
We are all unique individuals who experience things differently. If this is true, then why do we rely on the opinion of a collective to evaluate entertainment not based on professionalism, knowledge of cinema, or the themes and topics involved but based on their own personal biases, sponsorships, and access received? The general viewers who share their experience do a better job than the mainstream reviewers. The fact remains that in this social media age, we all have the be critical of the information we consume. Inevitably we have to learn to look for the truth ourselves and learn how to evaluate the information. It takes some work and is not easy but if you want to formulate your own opinion you have to exercise that critical mind. In the end, be brave and make your own decisions.
It’s good to do a little research about the movie in addition to just watching the trailer. You can find interviews where the filmmakers and actors talk about their movies. However, I avoid trailer reactions before I see the film. This I recommend for the films you would want to watch.
I know it’s difficult but sometimes you need to make those decisions based on instinct. However, if you have no intention to watch the film you can check them out for entertainment. That’s what they’re made for anyway. In regards to foreign films, you will rarely find one informative trailer reaction that tells you they did some research about the movie and the people behind it. They at the most do a quick Google search which you can do. Sometimes you’ll even find more interesting information that makes you more interested in watching the film.
With movie reactions same as with trailer reactions I think it is good to watch them after you have watched the movie yourself if you’re interested to see other people’s perspectives. They are usually published in several parts because they are in most cases longer than the movie. The best ones have an extensive dialogue about the good and the bad. And frankly, I don’t see the point of watching the reaction first when I can simply just watch the movie.
Beware as well who you’re watching. I love to watch regular people react. But even within reaction channels, you will find mainstream-influenced channels and regular people. Mainstream-influenced channels are all those that not necessarily are working directly for a showbiz corporation but they receive free access to films, shows, music, and books that the regular audience doesn’t have access to. It also includes access to filmmakers and actors to conduct interviews. With some of them, you can easily make a distinction between how they react to certain products differently from others.
For example, the movie or trailer reactions that are based on Bollywood and South Indian cinema from Indian and foreign reaction channels. I sometimes find a clear distinction between the reactions to Bollywood cinema which often is positive even if it’s just not great. And it’s okay to admit that it’s not a great film but people can still have a good time with it. Think of the American B-Movies that are iconic to this day such as Rambo and Commando.
Now the same type of Bollywood movie is made in South India and it’s criticized from head to bottom. It is as if people are not allowed the just enjoy movies in these industries and are heavily criticized for it if they do. But what some Indian and foreign reaction channels have in common is access to Indian filmmakers and actors that they have rarely honestly criticized and if they did they won’t bring it up.
Sometimes I also get the feeling that making the reaction was an obligation rather than being genuinely interested in the film or show. Here is when you can compare similar reactions to similar films and find the differences. What is the point of watching someone who is not interested in the subject reacting to it? There will be no added value for you and in the end, it will be just a waste of your time.
What I care about is finding honest reactions and even when they are negative I would still make my own decision and watch it and be happy that I did. It’s okay to like or dislike something. It’s sad to see how many people working in this area are scared to share their true opinions and be consistent with their points of view. It won’t age well. In the end, authenticity is what matters to me as a viewer. I will support those who are fair and honest and make an effort to understand the country and the culture. For those who are just looking for likes, clicks, and views with generic reactions: I’ll Pass.
Be open to understanding the culture and be respectful when criticizing the content. Sometimes cultural differences, ignorance, and our own biases prevent us from sincerely enjoying foreign content. Be open to appreciating the effort to make the content.
In some countries, filmmakers make financial sacrifices, risk their lives to do stunts, and sometimes endure character assassination or mockery by mainstream media. When the theme of the movie is sensitive, filmmakers, actors, and crew must even stand against politicians and civilian groups that will protest at the theaters before the film’s release. These protests sometimes turn violent with the unnecessary destruction of property.
In the West, people idolize Tom Cruize because he does his stunts. You’ll be surprised how many men and women are doing their stunts in foreign cinema. Despite all the challenges and obstacles what keeps them standing tall with the urge to make more cinema? The support of the fans.
Try unconventional platforms other than Amazon Prime and Netflix such as PLex, Apple TV, Zee5, or Viki. I would have mentioned Tubi TV and Pluto TV, but those are U.S.-targeted and geographically restricted. Peacock is also not available in all territories, only in the U.S., U.K. & Ireland, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Italy. Take a few hours from watching reruns and browsing through the new titles or check new stuff on IMDb. You may discover something new for you to enjoy.
There is sufficient alternative content to keep us entertained. Mainstream critics can still give their opinions, but it won’t influence the audience from watching the content they want to watch, and it is great to see. Keep looking out for alternative entertainment!
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